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Pupil Premium
Pupil premium strategy statement
The Pupil Premium funding is additional funding the school receives with the objective of raising the achievement for identified students. The amount of Pupil Premium funding is allocated using information from the January Census.
The purpose of the Pupil Premium funding was to enable additional support to be given to students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Evidence has shown that students from more affluent backgrounds tend to perform better within the education system. As a measure of individual wealth, the Government used the Free School Meals (FSM) information as an indicator, and hence the decision to allocate additional funding is based on FSM data. As with any indicator the rationale behind this decision can be questioned, but it is the indicator that the Government has chosen and we therefore have to adhere to this. Using FSM as an indicator allows the Government to present national attainment data, against which Queensbury Academy will be compared and held accountable.
You will find our most recent Pupil Premium Strategy statement below
Pupil Premium |
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