Catch Up Funding

Catch Up Funding

The literacy and numeracy catch-up premium gives schools additional funding to support year 7 pupils who did not make expected progress at the end of key stage 2 (KS2).

Catch up Funding Impact Statement 

Catch-up Budget/Strategy Plan 2021-22

Catch Up Strategy Document 2020-21


In the school year 2019 - 2020, the Academy received £21,060 for Year 7 students working below expected levels and allocated it as such:

Intervention Cost
Small group literacy and numeracy intervention £15,000
Literacy and Numeracy resources/Doddle teaching software/Teach it Maths £3,560
Peer reading programme £1,000
Assessment tools - GL £500
Year 7 Homework Support (LS, English & Maths) £1,000



Data refers to Sep 19 – March 2020 due to COVID Lockdown.

Of the 36 students that received Catch Up funding to improve their Reading level, 58% made on average of one sub grade of improvement this is in line with the overall progress of students in year 7 over that timescale. Overall average grade improvement was 0.2.

Students who failed to make expected progress are identified for additional intervention in Year 8.

Of the 36 students that received Catch Up funding to improve their Numeracy, 56% made on average of one sub grade of improvement this is in line with the overall progress of students in year 7 over that timescale. Overall average grade improvement was 0.1.

Students who failed to make expected progress are identified for additional intervention in Year 8.

The overall progress was on track to be higher, but students could not receive the last 4 months of in school intervention due to the pandemic lockdown.

In the school year 2018-19, the Academy received £20,495 for Year 7 students working below expected levels and allocated it as such:

Intervention Cost 
Small group literacy and numeracy intervention £15,000
Literacy and Numeracy resources £2,000
Peer reading programme £1,000
Dictionaries for each classroom £1,000
Assessment tools £500
Year 7 Homework Support (LS, English & Maths) £1,000



The 38 students that received Catch Up funding to improve their Reading level, made on average 0.66 of a grade improvement this is in line with the overall progress of students in year 7.

In Maths students made 0.11 of a grade improvement during the course of the year.

Students who failed to make expected progress are identified for additional intervention in Year 8.