Leadership Team & Key Contacts

If you wish to discuss an issue with a specific member of the senior team you can email them using the emails below. If you wish to contact a specific member of the teaching team please contact Mrs Galligan in the first instance. Please remember that teaching staff may not be able to reply immediately.

If you have a general query or question please email admin@queensbury.anthemtrust. Mrs Galligan monitors this inbox during term time and will respond or forward your query to the correct member of staff.

If you require a paper copy of any of the information published on this website please contact Mrs Galligan

Senior Staff
Headteacher Mrs H Palmer Headteacher@queensbury.anthemtrust.uk
Deputy Headteacher Mr V Neale admin@queensbury.anthemtrust.uk
Deputy Headteacher Mrs R Mason admin@queensbury.anthemtrust.uk
Deputy Headteacher Mrs K Briggs admin@queensbury.anthemtrust.uk
Assistant Headteacher (Sixth Form) Mr P Yarnell admin@queensbury.anthemtrust.uk
Assistant Headteacher Mr T Chisnall admin@queensbury.anthemtrust.uk
Assistant Headteacher Ms B Paul admin@queensbury.anthemtrust.uk
Business Manager Mrs K Morena KMorena@queensbury.anthemtrust.uk
Office Manager Mrs J Galligan JGalligan@queensbury.anthemtrust.uk
SENCo Mrs B Willis SEN@queensbury.anthemtrust.uk
Chair of Community Council   Clerk@queensbury.anthemtrust.uk 

Contact details for Anthem Schools Trust can be found here